Board & CEO

Strategic transformation at the board and chief executive officer levels drives transformation, maximizes revenue growth, and shifts culture. These hires – perhaps the most important ones a company makes – are arguably also the riskiest, accountable for make-or-break decisions. Their greater role is to ensure a wide array of perspectives and experiences propels an organization outwards strategically. These roles demand a deep understanding of how a business shapes society, and vice versa. And a sharp understanding of human capital as a business tactic. We treat your searches with utmost importance and discretion while providing access to diverse voices, strategic-minded leaders, and new skill sets in harmony with your current directors. Work with us to shape an effective board that drives meaningful change across your organization now and into the future.

Featured roles

  1. Chair
  2. Chief Executive Officer
  3. Non-Executive Director

Commercial Officers

Driving growth is a relentless pursuit for businesses and those leading them. Go-to-market strategies are evolving quickly — and consequently, so is the role of go-to-market officers. Bringing in business means advancing digital while maintaining human connections, delivering seamless service while personalizing customer experiences, meeting daily results while building lasting brands, and aligning highly motivated sales and marketing teams. With sales and marketing leaders having more responsibility and influence than ever before, we aim to find leaders who can help you earn your customers’ trust for life.

Featured roles

  1. Chief Commercial Officer
  2. Chief Marketing Officer
  3. Chief Customer Officer
  4. Chief Revenue Officer
  5. Chief Growth Officer
  6. Chief Brand Officer
  7. Chief Sales Officer
  8. Corporate Development
  9. Demand Generation
  10. Pricing
  11. R&D

Corporate & Financial Officers

Running a business smoothly — and mitigating risks along the way — depends on brilliant corporate and financial leadership. These executives’ decisions often determine whether a company sinks or swims. They are key enablers and stakeholder partners – directly responsible for helping other executives around them understand what decisions will drive business initiatives that sing. Consequently, we focus on unearthing high-performers with strengths in analyzing and managing finances, developing forecasts, building high-performing teams and cultures, and developing external communication strategies. We know the importance of finding individuals who see the bigger picture and are aware of a company’s impact on greater society and those they serve. It’s our mission to help you optimize financial performance and land leaders savvy in building meaningful corporate strategies that stick.

Featured roles

  1. Chief Legal Officer & General Counsel
  2. Chief Human Resources Officer
  3. Corporate Social Responsibility
  4. Corporate Communications
  5. Chief Compliance Officer
  6. Chief Accounting Officer
  7. Chief Financial Officer
  8. Chief Risk Officer
  9. Controller
  10. ESG
  11. FP&A
  12. Government Affairs
  13. Investor Relations
  14. Sustainability


The more you digitize and virtualize your business to reduce cost and improve the customer experience, the more your business is exposed to digital risk and cyber threats. As more confidential information (of great value to hackers) goes virtual, protecting it remains a top priority. Cyber risks – from boardrooms to remote workers’ living rooms – are real. Ransomware attacks are real. Outstanding cyber leaders reduce the risk of catastrophic cyber events by identifying, protecting, detecting, and responding to cyber risks and then helping their organizations recover if an attack takes place.

Practice leader

Featured roles

  1. Chief Information Security Officer
  2. Chief Security Officer
  3. Cybersecurity President
  4. Head of Digital Transformation Security
  5. Head of Cybersecurity
  6. Head of Cyber Defense


We believe harnessing digital unleashes human potential and increases competitive edge amidst a global economy. Yet, embarking on a transformation demands leaders with expertise in more than technology alone. Top digital leaders sculpt agile organizations, have an intentional point of view on what technology changes to implement, and respond to complexity with thoughtful solutions. These executives know how to squeeze every drop of value from data and convert it into actionable insights to enhance enterprise value. Their sharp understanding of where a business is headed next shapes what role data has in helping teams thrive. Our highly specialized team is focused on connecting you with leaders that match your unique needs and path to digital transformation.

Featured roles

  1. Chief Analytics Officer
  2. Chief Digital Officer
  3. Chief Data Officer
  4. Global Chief Digital Information Officer
  5. Chief Digital & Technology Officer
  6. Chief Technology & Development Officer
  7. Head, Technology, Operations & Firm Resilience

Diversity Officers

We recognize we are uniquely positioned to help promote and support diversity through the work we do to unleash human potential globally. Not only are we committed to bringing our clients a diverse composition of candidates with contrasting experiences and backgrounds — we are specialized in connecting organizations with diversity officers who can lead meaningful action in their organizations. This may mean aligning DEI goals with business outcomes, ensuring teams leverage diversity of thought, cultivating an inclusive work environment, rolling out DEI training programs, reviewing recruitment, pay, and promotion practices, leveraging analytics and reporting on diversity metrics, or responding to external changes that impact culture. One of the toughest executive roles, it’s our mission to help you find the right leaders to champion lasting change – those who provide real, actual opportunity for those brilliant people to whom it has traditionally been denied.

Featured roles

  1. Chief Diversity Officer
  2. Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer
  3. Chief DEI Officer
  4. Chief Racial Equality & Inclusion Officer
  5. Global Head, Diversity, Talent, and Culture
  6. Chief Impact Officer

Operations & Supply Chain

Operational complexity, rising customer expectations, and emerging technologies combined with disruptions from global dynamics, talent shortages, and environmental concerns have made producing and moving products seamlessly from raw materials, through logistics systems, and into consumers’ hands increasingly difficult. To solve this challenge, clients turn to us to recruit leaders who strengthen operations and supply chains end-to-end, and who make companies more resilient by ensuring operations are linked, efficient, and increasingly automated across the business. We are laser-focused on finding executives who establish a true partnership with the CEO and make their vision a reality. We bring forth talent with exceptional P&L management, M&A integration, and global enterprise experience blended with executional excellence, the ability to get the best from people, and dynamic change leadership skills.

Featured roles

  1. President
  2. Chief Operating Officer
  3. Chief Restructuring Officer
  4. Chief Supply Chain Officer
  5. Chief Manufacturing Officer
  6. Chief Procurement Officer
  7. Chief Logistics Officer
  8. General Manager

Strategy & Corporate Development

Robust strategies help business leaders unlock growth, innovation, and global collaboration amidst an ever-changing business world. We can help you achieve these lofty goals by identifying and attracting strategic leaders to clarify your vision and get action plans in place. Without connecting the dots in this way, companies may lose sight of their path to sustainable, long-term value creation. It’s an important role – one that tightly ties the company together and propels it to greatness. We believe the best executives are not only forward-looking and strategic-minded but also execution-oriented and communications-savvy. They analyze markets to ensure a company is working smartly, pinpoint growth strategies, and M&A opportunities to confirm efforts are valuable versus vapid and anticipate risks that may sway a company off-course. In short, they make big changes happen fast. These roles are about ensuring a company remains in alignment with a greater mission, and when it strays, getting it back on track. They are visionaries. They are deal makers. They are doers.

Featured roles

  1. Chief Strategy Officer
  2. SVP, Corporate Development
  3. Corporate Communications Leader

Technology Officers

Few things have changed the world as much as technology. Digital advancements have everyone moving faster and faster — and companies, jobs, and customer interactions are transforming in rapid succession. Contributing to this whirlwind of change are advances in AI, cloud, cybersecurity, IoT, and SaaS, which enable businesses to become lean, agile global players. Acertitude recognizes the paradigm shift underway — and its impact on leadership needs. Future technologists must tout technological understanding through business acumen, communication skills, financial discipline, and commercial presence. Highly specialized, our technology officers team is committed to helping you find next-generation talent so you can accelerate growth and deliver on digital transformation. When you’re ready to lead your company into the future, we’re here to listen and get to work.

Featured roles

  1. Chief Technology Officer
  2. Chief Information Officer
  3. Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Leader
  4. Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality Leader
  5. Chief Product Officer
  6. Chief Information Security Officer
  7. Product Development leader
  8. Chief Data & Analytics Officer
  9. E-Commerce leader
  10. Tech Board member
  11. Chief Digital Officer
  12. Engineering leader

Transformation & Restructuring

Doing business is about thriving amidst ongoing change and transformation. Transformation – whether this means growth, turnaround, M&A, product redesign, and beyond – requires speedy, confident action to deliver value creation. Our specialized unit identifies transformation and restructuring specialists who can turn extreme operational and financial challenges into strengths. They analyze and attack a company's most urgent needs, know where to ruthlessly prioritize time and resources, how to handle negotiations and relationships with tact, and when to rapidly respond to industry fluctuations. This way, your business becomes competitive and resilient amidst ongoing disruptions and disruptors. They don’t just rebuild processes and teams. They rebuild trust. They can help a company about to run into the ground, turn around. Whether you need someone to immediately heighten performance, stabilize cash flow and liquidity, execute a restructuring, or expertly navigate through a crisis, we are ready to tackle your biggest challenges head-on. With the right talent, you have the best possible chance of a successful transformation, turnaround, and recovery.

Featured roles

  1. Chief Restructuring Officer
  2. Chief Transformation Officer
  3. Project Management Officer
  4. Operating Partner
  5. Turnaround & Restructuring Consultant
  6. Due Diligence
  7. Integration
  8. M&A

The Acertitude Group

Our shared purpose is unleashing human potential. Together, we solve talent needs at all levels of organizations, from the boardroom to the c-suite to middle management teams.


Board, C-level, and senior executive search, assessment, and pre-deal services


  • Business & Professional Services
  • Consumer
  • Energy
  • Financial Services
  • Healthcare & Life Sciences
  • Industrial
  • Private Equity
  • Social Impact
  • Technology


Upper and middle management search, assessment, and project recruitment


  • Business & Professional Services
  • Consumer
  • Energy
  • Industrial
  • Private Equity
  • Social Impact


Upper and middle management search, assessment, and project recruitment


  • Technology
  • Healthcare & Life Sciences
  • Private Equity
  • Professional & IT Services

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Nullam consequat sem dignissim mattis

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